"Why do you wanna be famous?"

Bill Hartzer

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August 14, 2000

Today's famous person is Marina.

"Eu quero ficar famosa por que eu nasci para brilhar! Eu sou linda, inteligente, divertida, popular... Olhem a minha foto: n�o estou coberta de raz�o? Esses produtores de Hollywood est�o procuarndo Pop Stars nos lugares errados!"

"I wanna be famous because I was born to shine! I am pretty, intelligent, am amusing, popular... They look at my photo: I am not covered of ratio? These producers of Hollywood are procuarndo Pop Stars in the wrong places!"



Here at IWannaBeFamous!, we feature one ordinary person, like you, every day. Being famous is not so bad after all.  Sometimes fame brings big fortune, but other times it brings headaches. Keep in mind that once you're famous you'll need an agent, a photographer, a bodyguard, an accountant, a therapist, a lawyer, and perhaps a good plastic surgeon.