Being famous is not so bad after all. Sometimes fame and brings fortune, but other times it brings headaches. Once you are famous you will need an agent, a photographer, a bodyguard, an accountant, a therapist, a lawyer, and perhaps a good plastic surgeon.

Holly is Famous!

Holly is famous

I wanna be famous because, honestly, my humor is top-tier, and I’m tired of explaining it to people who just don’t get me. You know those moments when you drop an absolute gem of a joke, but instead of laughter, you’re met with confused stares and that awkward silence that feels like an eternity? Yeah, it’s exhausting. My wit is quick, my references are sharp, and my sarcasm is subtle yet brilliant. But for some reason, the world just isn’t ready for my comedic genius.

Imagine being famous enough that I could drop a joke—no setup, no context—and instantly have an entire room burst into laughter. Scratch that—have the whole world laughing in perfect unison. No more forced chuckles or having to explain my obscure pop culture references. It would be like magic: one quip and I’m a comedic hero, celebrated for my cleverness. People would finally get me without me needing to follow up with, ‘No, you see, it’s funny because…’ And the best part? I wouldn’t have to worry about my jokes flying over people’s heads because, as a famous person, my every word would automatically be deemed hilarious. It’s hard being this witty and constantly misunderstood—fame would be my golden ticket to comedic recognition.

Face Swap with Annalyn
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September 16th 2024
Tags: Guys

Bryan is Famous!

I wanna be famous because I want my ex to stumble across my face on every magazine cover, every Instagram feed, and every red carpet event. I want them to do a double-take every time they turn on the TV and see me living my best life. Fame would be ...
September 16th 2024
Tags: Girls

Brianna is Famous!

I wanna be famous because waiting in line for coffee just doesn’t align with my life goals. Think about it—famous people waltz in, skip the line, and get their cappuccinos delivered by a barista who knows their name. Meanwhile, I’m over here awkwardly pretending to look at the pastry case ...
September 16th 2024
Tags: Girls

Jill is Famous!

I wanna be famous because my cat's Instagram deserves a wider audience. I mean, I’ve been putting in the work—catnip sponsorships, professional photoshoots, even themed outfits! But for some reason, only 12 people like my posts, and half of those are just me on burner accounts. Fame would finally give ...
July 19th 2023
Tags: Guys

Jim Vanderberg (James Vanderberg) is Famous!

I wanna be famous because, well, because I'm known as "Toronto Jim", Jim Vanderberg from Toronto Canada (also known as James Vanderberg) Everyone in Toronto knows me as Toronto Jim, and I'm a small business owner, just about to become a large business owner.
January 20th 2022
Tags: Guys

Joshua Shuemake is Famous!

I wanna be famous because I'm one of the IT guys that just hangs out behind the scenes so to speak. We're the ones you come to when your laptop is acting all crazy, or you accidentally deleted a file that you need before your next meeting in 20 minutes. ...


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